Want, need, and love are the three words centered around a new shopping website, WaNeLo. The website is for online shopping, yet instead of having to go to each website to buy the items one wants, then can purchase directly from WaNeLo.
“I love WaNeLo. It is so convenient to not have to go to five different sites to buy the items I want,” Sophomore Haleigh Peek said.
On WaNeLo, one is also able to share items, like articles, and even follow stores of their choice. One can also follow friends and view collections they have created. There is also a collection of one can create that is a wish list, creating a great place to find gift ideas.
“It is nice to be able to online shop so conveniently because I can avoid lines and get my shopping done much quicker,” Junior Montana Grizzle said.
Not only is WaNeLo just available online, but also in the App Store. This allows the easy shopping of WaNeLo available even for those on the go. Whether it is at the doctors office, or waiting for the plane. Shopping is easily accessible.
“The App for WaNeLo makes shopping even easier because I can do everything straight from my phone wherever I am,” Sophomore Louis Nigro said.