Vaping at Liberty North
Image from: Ashton Overby
In high school, it is a well-known trend for some teenagers to vape. Over the past few years, brands like Juul and Blu have become popular devices to use among young adults.
A lot of controversy surrounds the habit of vaping among students. Some of them do vape but some are really against it.
“Vaping is unhealthy. Although it may not be as bad for you as smoking the myth that vaping is a completely healthy alternative to smoking is false,” senior Amber Chase said.
Another area of concern that is sometimes brought up about teenagers vaping in high school is how the devices used for it are illegally obtained by minors.
“Since you have to be 18 to buy any nicotine products I’ve heard of a lot of students who purchase Juuls and e-cigarette cartridges for their friends who are a lot younger than that. Quite a few have been freshmen or even younger,” freshmen Ava Henry said.
Vaping can also contribute to nicotine addiction. A popular internet meme that has risen on social media features around teenagers who ‘get caught vaping in the bathroom,’.
“Although the vaping jokes are funny the reality of the situation of kids who get suspended or face other repercussions for vaping at school is that they feel like they can’t put it down for long enough to get through class, it’s scary,” senior Taylor Reeves said.
Some links to learn more about the vaping epidemic: