1. When people decide it is cool to stand around in the middle of the already crowded hallway. I refuse to be late to class because of someone who doesn’t understand the concept of walking. Keep it moving people, you have plenty of time to cause traffic jams outside of school.
2. Walking up or down the wrong side of the stairwell. The stairs have a bar in the middle for a reason, folks. Walk up the right side. The bar has more purpose than stopping those clumsy girls from tripping down the stairs.
3. Slow walkers. We are all still young, our bones still strong. Those people that are in over their heads, thinking they have some sort of “swag factor” when they walk as slow as a turtle, need to wake up and realize that this swag of theirs is non-present.
4. PDA. A peck on the cheek or a quick hug is fine, but I don’t want to see a full throttle romance film walking through the hallways. Love birds are taking too much advantage of these five minute passing periods. Please, save it for later, no one wants to see that.
5. People bumping into me in the hallways. I know that I’m not just the tallest or biggest person ever, so I can understand the occasional hit. But when it gets to the point where big, buff football players are chest bumping each other with me sandwiched in the middle, I would say that is a bit extreme.