The Walking Dead Walks Back into Our Lives
Zombies, monsters, flesh-eaters, or walkers, every zombie show has its name for them. One of the most famous post-apocalyptic zombie shows is The Walking Dead. With 15.7 million viewers in the Season 4 finale alone, this show is definitely popular. The creators of The Walking Dead have now created a spin-off/prequel/new show, Fear the Walking Dead. Similar to the original show, the zombie apocalypse definitely happens, but Fear the Walking Dead takes place at the beginning. This new show actually reveals how the ‘disease’, if you will, came to be. The viewers don’t see Rick and Carl, or Carol, but we do see new characters like Madison, Nick and Alicia Clark, a family falling apart, but bound together with new circumstances and problems. Nick, about 18 years old, struggles with his heroin addiction, leaving his family to compensate. When the world is seemingly ending, this family is brought back together. Although the first episode just aired, this show looks very promising and I am really looking forward to the next episode.