Shining the Spotlight on Key Club

As high schoolers, we tend to get caught up in our own problems and worry about how we’re going to get all our homework done in one night and still be able to attend an after school sport or activity. Although we may not realize it, other people in our community have bigger worries, like how they’re going to feed their families for the night, or afford a new coat for the winter. However, Key Club is working to make things a little bit easier for those in need in the Liberty community.
“All of what we do works to serve the families and children primarily of our local community, but also some in the greater Kansas City community. I would say things like the Necessities Closet that work to meet the basic material needs of Liberty School District families are the most important, but second to that I would say something like our Adopt-a-Family, which provides Christmas to families who otherwise wouldn’t have it in Liberty,” English teacher and Key Club sponsor Kimberly Brownlee said.
Key Club is an international organization that is the biggest service program for high school students. It is under Kiwanis International, so the club has certain requirements that it has to meet every year. The club is a little new to Liberty North, but has been a huge success this past year.
“Last year was our first real year having Key Club. We were very organized and we were doing things for the first time, so Mr. and Mrs. North was very put together, Adopt-a-Family was bigger than it has ever been, and we had more members than we’d ever had last year,” Senior and President of Key Club Eka Jose said.
The service-based club organizes many clothing drives and other opportunities for students at Liberty North. Key Club is meant to provide its members with volunteering opportunities and the chance to show their leadership skills at work. Some of these opportunities include Socktober, Adopt-a-Family, working at Hillcrest and the Ronald McDonald House, Cinderella’s Closet, and the Necessities Closet.
“I’m most excited to see the leadership team and the members of Key Club learn how to serve others and be stronger leaders, and just grow into centered individuals who know how to give to their communities and know how to make the world a better place for those who might not have it as well as a lot of us do,” Brownlee said.