Liberty North students have a rare advantage over many other high schools: opportunities. With the smaller population at North students have the opportunity to participate in and create new clubs and activities. This is just what four Liberty North seniors did. Seniors Grace Brown, Laura Haskell, and Cassidy Warne teamed up with senior Robin Rittermeyer this year to make a brand new pep club, known as the Navy.
“At the start it was all very confusing trying to get a team that would represent the school best. But going through the process of getting people signed up and brainstorming ideas turned out to be a lot of fun,” Rittermeyer said.
Unlike the majority of other clubs, this club was founded by students and is intended to encourage all student activities.
“The Navy is a brand new organization here that is by the students, for the students. Our goal is to promote school spirit,” Brown said.
Although most pep groups focus on sports, the Navy is determined to support all groups, organizations, and activities.
“We promote school spirit by supporting athletics, performing arts, and other extracurricular groups. We will do this by cheering at games, selling merchandise, and organizing special events for the Navy members. We hope to give the students a voice as we boost Eagle pride,” Brown said.
Throughout the year students have the chance to snag North merchandise that is only available to Navy members.
“Each season we’re planning on designing new shirts for the activities taking place. Students may also receive face tattoos, spirit beads, and other various things as well,” Warne said.
The Navy is sure to bring excitement and support to many student activities around Liberty North. If interested, contact one of the four above and pay a membership due of ten dollars.
Navy: North’s newest club
Savana Morrison, Editor in Chief
September 20, 2012