Modern Day Love
Nowadays, the most romantic action a significant other can do is post a picture of you for “#womancrushwednesday” or send you a sweet paragraph to wake up to in the morning. While those are nice gestures, what happened to getting flowers, or writing love letters? Social media has taken over the love aspect, and quite honestly, almost every aspect of our lives. I, personally, think it is cute when couples post pictures together on social media. It definitely helps me keep up with the gossip and who is dating who this week, but the amount some couples post can get too excessive. If you have been dating for 10 months, chances are everyone knows who your woman crush Wednesday is. Probably the same girl it has been the past 43. Posting pictures of your significant other alllll the time can get to be too much when it is every day, or every week. And for some reason, it is one of the most romantic things the person can do. We let the amount of pictures a couple has on their Instagram determine how successful their relationship is doing, as if it is the determining factor of actual love. So, a little advice from me would be to cut down on the amount of posts, and to stop letting that determine how much your significant other actually loves you.