Liberty North’s New Eagle Pointe


At the start of the new semester, Liberty North officially opened up the new wing they have been working on since the previous school year. With the opening came the reveal of many new and innovative additions to the school. The new wing features twelve whiteboards, eight garage doors, eight flatscreen televisions, 208 chairs, sixteen couches, 46 tables, and seventeen different colors.

   “I like the fact that all teachers get their own classrooms, it makes it easier to find them if you need to work with them before or after school. The open spaces are also handy when teachers have you doing individual work, some people go out and some stay in the classroom. This makes it less noisy in and out depending where you go. I also find it easier to concentrate if there are fewer people in the room,” junior Katherine Mackenzie said.

   One of the main focuses of the new wing is its adaptive flex spaces for teachers to use as an additional classroom or for students to utilize as a secondary learning space.

   “I do think the whiteboard tables in the flex spaces are better for group work than working in classrooms,” Mackenzie said.

   The new wing has provided a new space for students to explore and utilize to better their learning experiences at North.

   “I really enjoy the spaces outside the classrooms and how open they are, especially all of the natural light. It just makes the atmosphere so much more refreshing and, personally, helps me focus more on my work.” Junior Sabrina Madison said.