Finding Your Soulesmate Part 6
In the two night event of The Bachelor there was plenty of controversy, drama, and lots of hysterical crying. On Sunday night Britt and Carly went home. Obviously Carly went home because of her lack of connection with Chris. On the other hand Britt’s mouth got in the way of her chances at finding true love. When Britt, Carly, and Kaitlyn went on a group date Carly had shared how Britt was being fake around Chris, and not telling him the truth. Chris was shocked at the fact and kept his eye out for Britt. Later on that night Britt was furious at the fact that Kaitlyn received the rose purely out of validation from Chris. Britt then shared her feelings on the matter, putting Chris on the spot in front of the other girls. Nothing was better than watching Britt put down her character in front of Chris. I was extremely happy at the fact that Chris finally saw the real Britt. It could not have worked out at a better time considering that Carly had just told Chris about her being fake. Chris did not even have a cock-tail party, he made up his mind and they had a rose ceremony. Britt had previously told the girls about how she was going to go home, but talk to Chris. This made no sense because Britt kept telling the girls he could not say anything to keep her there. Again this proves the fact that Britt is a liar. When the rose ceremony started Britt interrupted to talk to Chris, and tried to convince him to keep her basically, but he sended her home.
On Monday night Chris went to the girls hometowns. Becca’s family was concerned about the overnight dates because Becca is a virgin. Although, Becca was not concerned with that matter, and she decided to tell him later if she got the rose. They had a great date in my eyes, and I really believe she is going to be in the top two. Whitney had went to her hometown and showed her job to Chris and some other relatives because she does not have any parents. This date was going good until Whitney’s sister did not give her blessing to Chris. I bet nothing hurts more than not getting a blessing from somebody. Whitney did not let that get in her way though because she revealed that she was in love with Chris. I think Whitney and Chris have the best connection and I see her in the final two as well. The next date was very funny when Kaitlyn and Chris went to a recording studio and rapped. Kaitlyn did good and Chris proved that he is not a rapper. The next date was with Jade who shared her deepest darkest secret about doing nude photos. Chris took it rather well, but I think he for sure felt awkward. I was rather disappointed with Chris when he chose to look at the photos of Jade. I question his intelligence because his wife is going to look back and be embarrassed that he looked at some woman’s nude photos. The night ended with Jade going home, and the other three girls advancing on to next week. I bet Jade is frustrated at the fact that she just told him this big secret, and now she is going home. I believe that Chris sent her home because of her past. Even though he said he solely made his decision by who Jade is now. I am ecstatic about the girls whom advanced, and I totally called who the top girls would be in the very beginning of the series. I think I have a sixth sense about these sort of shows because the girl that I like in the beginning ends up being the girl he picks. Stay tuned until next week’s episode of The Bachelor!