At 12:01 am on November 18, the fourth movie in The Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn premiered. As early as six hours prior to the show lines of as many as twenty people were already lined up in hopes of good seats. For many die hard Twilight fans this was a night that has been waited on for months. But the real question was, would the movie live up to the expectations that many had imagined for so long?
Following their long relationship, the movie starts off with vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and human, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) getting married, although Bella is also in love with Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). To no one’s surprise, marrying a member of the undead leads to bigger problems. The marriage causes issues for everyone; including Jacob’s wolf pack declaring war on the Cullen’s Vampire Family.
The film is what many fans of the movie thought to be everything they expected. I for one, thought the film dragged on. Although the film fell hand in hand with the book, it did not make for a movie that keeps you waiting on the edge of your seat for what’s going to happen next. After the movie moving at a very slow pace, it dramatically picks up in the last forty minutes with a twist in the plot.
In my mind, Breaking Dawn was the most uneven film of the series, not only did it contain some of the best moments, it also contained some of the worst. With part one being packed with emotions, part two will be filled of action. Part two of the film is expected to be release date is November 16, 2012. Hopefully then, all of the Twilight Saga madness will come to an end.