Twitter Fingers
Twitter: The best and possibly worst form of social media. I, and a majority of the people at Liberty North, love it. With the constant drama, gossip and crazy tweets that are visible, the entertainment it provides is limitless. Whether it be a controversial racist tweet, a tweet exposing someone’s secret, or a funny tweet, Twitter has it all. And all of this excitement tends to happen during the school day. Twitter is one of the very few websites not blocked on our Macs, so it’s easy to find ourselves shifting our attention from the teacher lecturing, to scrolling through our timeline. Teachers definitely aren’t oblivious to this distraction, but they don’t do a very good job of combatting the problem. The students are obviously not complaining, but too often they let Twitter take over their focus, rather than getting their grades up and paying attention in class. All in all, Twitter is no doubt a huge distraction during the school day, but if used in small amounts, it isn’t too harmful.