This Monday was the first Trivia and Treat at Liberty North High School. Trivia and Treat is a fun Trivia competition with 100 random questions and treats from FCCLA.
“I saw a lot of people at the Trivia and Treat and my favorite part was that I felt like it really wasn’t just about winning for the teams. I think everybody just wanted to have a good time,” sophomore Elliott Yoakum said.
The questions at Trivia and Treat were over numerous topics that everyone could enjoy.
“Ms. Coogan did an excellent job writing questions. The questions were really kind of all across the board. There were ten categories of questions. Some of the catoregies are Literature, Fine Arts, Movies, TV, Geography, History, and 2 potpourri, which could by any type of question,” Building Administrative Assistant Pamela Barrett said.
Anyone was able to attend the Trivia and Treat night even if they do not go to Liberty North or work here.
“There were so many different teams. Some teams were teachers and some were students. There was even a team of teachers from heritage school and I got to see teachers I remembered like Mrs. Bierman, Mrs. Groebe, Ms. Springer, Ms. Stuff and Mrs. Mason,” Yoakum said.
Not everyone there was playing in a group nor had too be in one either.
“ I wasn’t on a team but I still found Trivia and Treat to be exciting and stimulating from the sidelines,” sophomore Alyssa Stocklaufer said.
FCCLA got tons of praise for their delicious treats they provided.
“I thought the best part was the food; it was really good. There was cookies, brownies, really good pumpkin cake, chex mix, and an apple maple nut dip,” senior Katelynn Downey said.
Dr. Jacobs was a part of the winning team along with Pamela Barrett, Patricia Kurtz, Laurie Fagen, Vicky Jones, and Vicky Jones’s brother Thaddeus.
“I felt grateful winning; it was a very good team. I was lucky I was with really smart people. I felt the best part of Trivia and Treat was the social part; talking to people I haven’t seen in awhile and having fun thinking about Trivial facts,” Principle Dr. Jacobs said.
Even those who did not take home first place had an enjoyable time.
“The Trivia and Treats night was a lot of fun. We came in last place but we had a good time doing it. It was fun just being able to hang out with friends,” Downey said.