So You Missed Black Light Blow Out..
Missed Black Light Blow Out?! Don’t fret, we have the whole recap right here! Black Light Blow Out was said to be the best yet by several students and staff.
“Black Light Blow Out was different this year from last year because we had a lot bigger of a turn out. More than 400 students attended this year, which is awesome! I think this year we also tried a little harder on decorations, hanging more glow posters around the perimeters and stuff, which made it a lot cooler” one of STUCO’s six executive officers, Lindsay Marvine, says.
The dance is mostly attended by sophomores, juniors, and seniors because it can prove difficult to convince freshmen that the student body truly do love the dance. However, those freshmen who take the risk and go, often end up loving it.
“I didn’t have very many expectations going in. I was so nervous about going, actually, because I didn’t know what to expect. So I didn’t expect how fun it was going to be! It turned out really well, a lot of people were there. I just hope next year there will be even more people, because the more people there are, the more fun it is!” freshmen, Emma Reavis, says.
Lots of students would agree, the Black Light Blow Out is a cherished tradition at Liberty North. Eagle’s View asked several staff and students what advice they would give to someone who was on the fence about going,
“They probably should just come and check it out, I’d say it’s pretty cool. I think everybody who has had a doubt, comes and just enjoys it. And plus it’s only two hours, it’s not very long. It’s also cheap, it’s only five dollars. So they can come, check it out, if they don’t like it after an hour, they can leave. It’s casual, it’s not your typical dance. So I’d say come because they’d probably really enjoy it”, STUCO advisor, Doug Davis says.