Recycling: What can the student-body do?
An InDepth look at LNHS recycling.
Image from: Ash Merenbloom
Members of Liberty North have noticed room for improvements within the recycling system. Students have noticed many classrooms are without a recycling bin, and there isn’t much information promoting recycling. This aspect of North could profit from a student-led organization.
“It [student-led organizations] could benefit us because there are many more students than staff. Having a student-led organization where students come together and help would give us more manpower to recycle. Also, I imagine if it were a club, then the students helping would be actually interested in it and put more effort into it,” junior Morgen Keller said.
Liberty North has multiple clubs involved in community service and has conducted trash and recycling pick-ups, such as Key Club, Interact Club, Fresh Club, and National Honor Society.
“In Key Club, I don’t know if it’s exactly recycling, but we go out and pick up trash and clean the streets. We also pick up trash on the floor that I’m sure we separate into recycling and trash,” sophomore Drew Hodges said.
Fresh Club is another club noticed doing something to help recycle.
“I don’t know a lot of clubs that are doing that, but I think Fresh Club has done a little bit of it. It’s mostly providing boxes for recycling and posters promoting it,” sophomore Miranda McArtor said.
Student organizations are doing what they can to recycle, but there is still room for improvement. Sophomore Amy Gates offers ideas that could benefit the recycling system by clubs taking the lead.
“I think some benefits would just be education, like making it clearer which materials can go in the recycling bins and which ones can’t. I know some clubs go around the school and pick up litter, which obviously helps the environment, but sorting that into recyclable materials would help too,” Gates said.
With the support of the administrative team, the student body can be more successful with its efforts. Senior Aubrey Prindle suggests ways administrators can help students achieve this.
“Putting out more recycling or even pushing teachers to say ‘be more conscious of what you’re putting where.’ Making sure everyone has a recycling bin in their room and asking teachers to ask students to be more conscious of their recycling habits would help too,” Prindle said.
Hodges offers other methods of support.
“I mean, there is the enforcement of recycling. Not every room has a recycling bin, and if they were to make sure each room had one, that would be beneficial,” Hodges said.
Liberty North students can help recycle and improve recycling by promoting it and ensuring the school population is mindful of what they put in the trash and recycling bins. Prindle explains why it is essential that the students take the lead on this issue.
“I think students benefit a lot more from student-led activities because it’s less of adults telling kids what to do and more of learning from your peers and listening to your peers. It makes it a lot easier for students to get on board, so if it’s student-led, I think it would resonate with the students a little better,” Prindle said.