Splashing Into a New Season
Image from: Kari Tott
The end of October brought the end to most fall sports, replacing them with the winter ones, including women’s swim and dive. Last Monday, the swimmers dove into the pool, kicking off their 2017-2018 season.
“The first week of practice is always a little tough, considering a lot of us haven’t swam for a while. I’m excited to see myself improve my times and hopefully beat some of my past records, as well as the extra stuff like pasta parties and swim sleepovers,” senior Naomi Rickard said.
In this coming season, the team has a lot of highly anticipated meets to begin preparing for. Like all sports, practice is key to preforming well and competing to full capacity. The girls practice every day right after school until six at night.
“I think we have a really strong team this year and that will be the key to doing good at conference. I also think that we will definitely have a good state team, and hopefully make it to finals,” sophomore Bryn Mattes said.
For a majority of those on the team, this is not their first year swimming. Many girls started swimming when they were young, and have stuck with it throughout their high school career.
“What made me stick with swimming was just how good I feel when I accomplish my goals. I also love my whole team and they really made it worthwhile, I’m excited to make this last year my best,” senior Emily Philpot said.