Our basketball boys having been suffering from a lack of appreciation. Not only have the boys had numerous empty seats band they are slowly losing faith in the student body.
“We have lost a little faith in the student body, but we know they are trying to pick up the pace. Hopefully they start coming more often now since conference is starting soon. I think it helps us have more confidence when we have a big crowd supporting us,” junior Johnny Buck said.
Every school’s spirit level is different, but with the turnouts the football team had this fall, there is no excuse to why the Field House is so empty for the basketball team.
“I feel like we deserve more school spirit. Having a weak support system doesn’t make or break us. Yes, I would love a stronger support system but as long as we as a team come pumped up with a lot of positive energy, it rubs off on our performance,” sophomore Michael Hughes said.
The problem lays in the laps of the student body. We have to go out and support every team we have out there if we want Liberty North to be number one.
“We need more spirit for the basketball team. They deserve it and I think without a support system a team won’t do as well. Having people cheer you on always helps boosts your self esteem and confidence in the game itself,” sophomore Maddie Mosbauer said.