Trevor Lerit’s ‘Trevosphy’ on Growing Up.
The man, the myth, the legend: 18-year-old Trevor Lerit is wise beyond his years and has a work-oriented mentality. Trying everything in between business and journalism, from vlogs and podcasts to constructing his own unique vocabulary, Lerit has done it all.
Students in America are praised for having the most on their applications for colleges, and Lerit shows what that lifestyle entails. He expands his portfolio on a daily basis by making vlogs, podcasts, segments for the school broadcasting program, and occasionally, photography. Time with his friends is treated as a way to get more experience with filming and editing videos. Lerit goes in-depth about his future and how he plans to achieve his goals, and advice for others to do the same.
Q: Are there any difficulties trying to grow your portfolio in highschool to enter such a competitive field?
A: “It’s only as difficult as you make it. If you’re involved in too many activities and extracurriculars and the amount of involvement you have, there will obviously be time constraints, so if you have a bunch of events you’re doing you would not have enough time to grow your portfolio. So my life advice is to limit what you do and follow your dreams.”
Q: How does balancing school, friends and expanding your portfolio affect you?
A: All of this has made me a more open person. I can now go up to someone and start a conversation because I feel more comfortable around people.
Q: What do you think the biggest struggle is while trying to prepare for your future?
A: Personally I think my biggest struggle is finding what I actually want to do, I feel like I have a lot of abilities and being able to capitalize on those is my detriment to finding out what I want to do, because I feel like I can do a lot, but I know realistically I can’t.”
Q: How has working in North’s broadcasting program given you a head start in your interest?
A: “Originally when I went into broadcasting, I wanted to make films, but we don’t have a film class at LNHS, and I was super excited to make videos. I joined KNET to make videos about whatever I wanted. Since joining broadcasting I’ve wanted to do journalism and find stories and hear the different sides. All the opportunities I’ve been given like filming Trent Green for an NFL piece and if I wasn’t in broadcasting I wouldn’t have had the ability to do that. If I didn’t take broadcasting I’d still be in debate wanting to be a politician [instead of] being a filmmaker. Without leaving debate because of an incident, I would not have found this career path.”
Q: Does the education system assist you in trying to reach your future goals, or is it holding you back?
A: “I don’t blame the education system, but, with the current curriculum I’m taking, which consumes a lot of my time, the education system doesn’t foster a good environment for students. I don’t know anyone who is like ‘Yippee, I’m ready to do more school after school’.”
Q: Do you believe school should assist seniors with more and if so, what?
A: “I feel like for more of the outlandish careers people want to go into, they get glossed over and I was told there are no filmmakers in Missouri, I think the counselors do the utmost they can, you just can’t be afraid to reach out. If I want to be a filmmaker I would need to go to the coasts or to Texas. Not right now though because of the coronavirus, but because that’s where everything is at. If I want to be a journalist, then I go to MU and then go to D.C or a place where journalism happens, or major events. The third thing is, with the studio, since land is cheaper in Missouri and there’s an internet connection, why move to a coast where it costs a bunch of money.”
Q: What is the best life advice someone has given you to achieve your goals?
A: “The best piece of advice I have received is ‘discipline is freedom.’ So when you’re staying disciplined with the task at hand, then you will be able to free yourself from what’s holding you back. If I can achieve my goals in the end I know I will be happier and I will avoid the trap of distractions.”
Q: What has been the main response from your close family and friends after you told them the degree you want to pursue?
A: “The main response I’ve gotten is a surprised one, I feel like that is something everyone wants to do but no one does, and no one pursues, so a lot of people are approving of what I want to do, but it is not accepted. My parents support me and everything I do and don’t think I have a backup. Here’s some ‘Trevosphy’ (Trevor + philosophy): you should never go into anything with a backup, because with a backup you are preparing yourself to fail, and we don’t fail.”
Q: Where do you hope/see your Youtube channel and podcast going?
A: “Ideally I hope to see my channel and podcast come into a conglomerate. I want to make a studio to be able to make films and videos and a little bit of everything.”
Q: Do you have any fears about your future?
A: “Fear of failure. I know it’s something that you can’t fear but it is something that is real especially in the career I want to pursue. I feel like I have the opportunity, but a lot of things can fall through.”
Q: How do you plan on standing out from the rest of your generation interested in the same field?
A: “It would just be putting in 100%, no, 110% into what I do, like George Lucas at USC where he turned simple film pans and shots into a film, and went above and beyond what was required while still meeting the requirements.”
Q: While pursuing your career path, how has that changed your view of the world?
A: “I learned to look at both sides, instead of looking at just one side, everyone will see the situation differently, and listening gives you the answers and truth to the story. Walter Cronkite once said ‘In seeking the truth, you must seek both sides of the story’ and I’ve lived by that since the debate.”
More about Trevor:
Check out Trevor’s YouTube channel