With the Missouri State Juried exhibition viewing starting on March 25 to April 12 at the Carolla Arts Exhibition Center, hopes are high for the possibility of LNHS artwork being presented as a winner out of all the artwork shown, perhaps one made by Junior Marley Schwartz who is having her art featured at the event.
“It’s nice to know others like my art enough for it to get selected! At first, I only submitted pieces, because it was just a nice chance we got in class,” Schwartz said
Going back to the beginning of her journey, she always drew little doodles, but her passion for drawing and inspiration to do better came from a family member in her own home, her father.
“I’ve been drawing pretty close to my whole life, but I think it truly started with my dad. He used to have sketchbooks from when he was in high school, and as a kid, I would sit and just flip through the pages, and be fascinated,” Schwartz said
With the knowledge and inspiration from her father, she took it and drew many new works of art, many were made from the internal struggles she’s dealt with, which can be a healthy way to express those emotions.
“A lot of the art I make is inspired by my struggles, mainly around mental health,” Schwartz said
With the ability to draw on electronics becoming more available and providing more abilities than traditional for most artists, more digital artwork is being made than traditional pen and paper.
“I usually stick to more digital pieces, but I enjoy doing traditional pieces too,” Schwartz said