Brooke Rasmussen
August 28, 2019
562 freshman started at Liberty North for the 2019-2020 school year, coming from Heritage Middle School and South Valley Middle School.
“As a freshman, compared to eighth grade, I feel like you get a lot more freedom and you get to do more fun stuff in the classes and I have a lot of friends in them too” Freshmen Brooke Rasmussen said.
One thing freshman worry about it is the size of Liberty North.
“ I got lost already this morning, I just forgot where my class was but I like having a bigger school better than a smaller one. I have good classes and my favorite would be geometry class because I have a lot of friends in them, just people I know, so it makes it better.” Rasmussen said.
School can be fun but there is still lots of work to do and things to learn. Working hard really pays off.
“I think the most important thing in high school is staying focused and just getting all your work done on time, so you get good grades. Also when you study and keep up constant good work, it helps to increase your grades and work ethic.” Rasmussen said.